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Statewide Lidar Plan for Utah (2 min)
To aid the planning efforts for future Lidar acquisitions in Utah, UGRC and the Utah Department of Natural Resources have collaborated with various local, state, and federal entities to create the fou
Authoritative Utah Geocoding Results (4 min)
Geocoding Assurance Why you should trust the resultsThe UGRC web api is a great resource for deriving information from the SGID. Geocoding an address is one of the more popular and useful free servic
How To Use UGRC Base Maps in QGIS (1 min)
Most people know about UGRC's awesome base maps. They are very popular and provide high quality cartography using the latest and greatest data from the Utah SGID. But did you know that they provide a
USGS GeoPDF Topographic Maps (2 min)
Want an aerial photograph and a topographic map all packaged into one file, in a pdf format? Then the USGS GeoPDFs may be the answer. These GeoPDFs are similar to the 1:24,000 scale, legacy 7.5-minute
Wireless Signals and Lidar Derived Elevation Models (3 min)
Specialized software allows the modeling of cellular, radio, or wireless internet signal propagation and coverage. Better, more accurate results for wireless signal propagation depend on the precision
Using UGRC's Geocoding and Map-based Web Services (1 min)
The Department of Technology Services hosts a monthly scheduled Enterprise Developer Group (EDG) brown bag presentation series. The previous session recordings can be found on the DTS YouTube channel.